Friday, August 12, 2011

JDBC - Default ResultSet Fetching Strategy

While working on a section of our companies application that handles migration between various database types, I ran into an interesting issue that I had not really noticed before. There has been a very wide desparity between how various jdbc driver implementations handle the fetching size in a result set.

For example..

MySQL will always return all rows for the query, while DB2 will default to returning exactly 32 rows. I found this odd and as I worked on the application, I noticed that the results seemed to be all across the board. One of the other major considerations when working with the fetching size was the type of data that I was migrating. Migrating smaller varchar based tables wasn't really an issue, however, I found that I had to check each table to ensure that there were not BLOB types present, as the size of those columns could vary greatly. (Between 2-3mb upwards of 1gb Thus, the data type for each column would greatly affect the fetching strategy for each table.

Then I hit some of the big kickers.. since I had to support older drivers, I found myself fighting the older MySQL driver. In order to do any type of streaming for this driver, you must set the fetchSize to Integer.MIN_VALUE, this seemed a bit of an odd selection and was very far off from the jdbc specification. Later builds did improve by allowing you to pass a useCursorFetch hint in the connetion string.

Ultimately, it was a bit of a struggle to make five very different database types migrate between one another in a seemless manner. However, it was a rewarding and challenging experience. In a world where I usually play thru abstractions such as Hibernate.. understanding what it really takes to make a database seamless/brandless/neutral is a very painful task.

Helpful Links:

Good advice for large result sets:
Lists a few brands defaults:

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